Hineni Zeeland - The project
Hineni Zeeland was founded from a passion to provide people with burn-out and other stress-related complaints a time of rest and support, aimed at a more stable follow-up situation.

Our Mission
It is our mission to create a place in natural surroundings at which you can come to rest, breathe, explore and (re)discover who you are. Connecting and companionship are important parts of daily life.

Being outdoors and relaxing activities are the ingredients of staying with us. Hineni Zeeland will shape this by offering temporary accommodation and the possibility to participate in daily activities.

Emotional support
During your stay, we are here to spend time with you and help you sort out your thoughts, if you feel the need. The latter is what matters to us. You are important. There will be moments of meditation and meeting that you can participate in.

Accommodation options
Mobile home
This is situated on our small, tranquil campsite and can be offered during available periods.
Own caravan/tent
The campsite is open from April 1st to October 31st
Available for Hineni guests during periods when it is not rented out.
Our name
HINENI - what does it mean?
Hineni originates in Hebrew. It means 'Here I am'. To us, Hineni refers to encountering each other with an open heart and attitude. Encounters with each other; and with God, who, in his compassion, wants to give us the very best. Maybe it has all become too much for you, you find yourself at a crossroads in your life, or you want to set apart time to find answers to your questions? Then you are welcome at Hineni Zeeland. Out of compassion with our fellow human beings who need attention and support, we want to meet you and walk with you.
News and updates
Here you will find the latest messages about our project. The older messages can be found via the link below.
Nieuwsbrief Hineni Zeeland januari 2024
Om te beginnen willen we u/jou een voorspoedig 2024 toewensen. Als team van Hineni kijken we terug op een mooie en eenververd jaar. Ook van het afgelopen campingseizoen hebben we[…]
Read moreLatest update as of April 2023
Stichting Hineni Zeeland is in de praktijk nog niet van start gegaan, zoals we dat voor ogen hebben. We zijn in maart 2021 op onze locatie Minicamping De Vijver komen[…]
Read moreNewsletter Hineni Zeeland November 2022
Lieve familie en vrienden, Wat is er weer veel gebeurd sinds onze laatste nieuwsbrief van februari! We hebben een prachtige zomer achter de rug met een druk bezochte camping en[…]
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